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Globomatik connection data
In the first tab you must enter the download link of the Globomatik file. This link can be found in your private area on the Globomatik website.
Also in this section we choose the supplier that will be assigned to the imported products. The module installation process includes the creation of a supplier with the Globomatik name so that it can be used directly. It does not have to be this one, and if you want to use it you can also change the name
The option “File uploaded by ftp” allows us to upload the Csv via ftp to the module directory. You have to put it inside the “import” folder located inside the module directory, “imaxglobomatikimport”. The file name must be exactly imaxglobomatikimport.csv.
Category Management
In the second tab, Category Management, we can choose the parent category for the imported category tree, the categories to import, and the way of calculating prices and margins to apply.
Parent category
In this section we choose the parent category for the category tree to be imported. This category must be chosen prior to the import, and changing the selection once the categories have been imported will not change the parent category of the tree.
New categories status
In this section we choose the initial status of the imported categories and products. A disabled category or product is not visible to users and will not be indexed either. This is useful to keep categories hidden if we do not want to use the Globomatik category tree, or if we want to work on it before making it visible to the public, and the same for products. The last option, “Enable products on update”, will make the module activate the products normally when updating them, if not checked the products will remain disabled.
Importable categories
In this section we can choose which of the categories included in the supplier’s catalog we want to import. For the tree of available categories to be displayed and we can choose them, it is necessary to have previously downloaded a file and preprocessed it. To do this, after configuring the URLs tab we can use the manual process, in the third tab, until we see the message “The import of Precategories is finished”. , or run in the browser the cron link that we have in Configuration > Token Management. More details in the information on the statistics section.
Assignment to Groups
Here you can choose to which groups the imported categories will be assigned. A category that is not assigned to a certain group will be invisible to the users of that group.
Margin Management Mode
In this section we configure the profit margin to be applied to the products. We have several modes to choose from:
Purchase : The margin we choose is applied on the Globomatik purchase price, which the module assigns as the purchase price, wholesale_price.
Sell : the margin is applied using the following formula, [Sell price] = [Purchase price] / [(100 – Margin)/100)].
Official rate : Globomatik’s recommended retail price, RRP, is used as the selling price. Using this option the margin will not be applied, whatever it is.
Official rate plus margin : Same as the previous option, but in this case the margin on the recommended price is used.
Minimum amount of profit : The value that we put here will be the profit, that is, the difference between the selling price and the purchase price, provided that applying the margin does not reach this amount.
Example, we have a product with a cost of 1€ and a margin of 50% on purchase, with a minimum profit of 1€. The resulting selling price would be €1.5 applying the margin, which reports a profit lower than €1, so the profit would be increased to reach that minimum euro, resulting in a selling price of €2.
Keep in mind that the margin that is configured is applied to the products when they are updated, changing the margin does not change the price of the products immediately, for a new margin to be applied to all products after changing it is necessary to perform a complete update process. If we have the module configured correctly, with its scheduled tasks, this is automatic and it is not necessary to do anything else but wait.
Manage Margins by Category
In this section you can configure profit margins by category. If there is a margin for a category, this will be applied and not the global one. The default category of the product is used.
Manual processing
In the third tab, Manual, we have a button for manual processing. Each time we use it, a batch of elements of the file will be processed, according to the configuration of batch sizes that we have and the phase in which the import is. This is equivalent to execute directly in the browser the url of the general cron.
In the fourth tab, Configuration, we can find the links for the cron tasks, configure the taxes, the size of the process batches, the fields to be synchronized and the status of the products according to their stock.
Token Management
In this section we have the links we need to configure the scheduled tasks with which we automate the operation of the module. We have two links, one of them is in charge of importing the images, which is the heaviest part of the import and what will always take the longest time, so they are imported separately. The other link takes care of everything else: preprocessing the file, creating categories, manufacturers and products. Each call to one of these links will process a batch of items of the size you choose in the next section, “Number of items to process”. The type of item to be processed will depend on the stage of the import, which can be viewed in the importer statistics tab.
The reason for batch processing is to reduce the impact on the server resource consumption as much as possible, apart from the fact that it would not be possible to process a whole file in a single process. The smaller the size of the batches and the higher the frequency of the tasks, the lower the impact on resource consumption.
We recommend to set the tasks with a frequency of 1 time every 5 minutes or something similar, and there would be two tasks, one for each link. The syntax would be like this:
*/5 * * * * * curl -f “LINK” or */5 * * * * * * wget -qO- “LINK”
The regenerate token button changes the current token to a new random one. This ensures that we have control of the links from Prestashop, changing it will stop any cron task already configured, regardless of where it is.
Tax Management
In this section we choose the tax rule that will be assigned to the imported products when they are created, from the tax rules available in our Prestashop. By checking the “Update taxes” checkbox the module will reassign the selected rule when updating the products, in case we need to change it or want to make sure they all have it.
Number of Elements to Process
In this section you configure the size of the batches that will be processed each time the cron is executed or processed manually. Not all the elements are processed at the same speed so the batches should be adjusted proportionally, preprocessing the file is much faster than updating products, for example. The speed at which it is processed depends on the server, it is a matter of testing the processing speed and adjusting the batches accordingly.
The following video shows how to calculate the total time of a complete process based on the batches we schedule.
Update Options
In this section you choose the fields that will be synchronized with those of the file in each update process and some more functionalities. Although it may be tempting to check all the fields to synchronize all this is not a good idea, the more fields are overwritten the slower the processing will be, there are fields that usually do not change so there is no point in overwriting them all the time, and some update options are not intended to be enabled by default.
- Enable automatic statistics refresh: this option updates the information in the statistics section without the need to reload the page, in order to be able to see the progress of the process in the statistics tab more comfortably.
- Statistics update frequency: the time between each screen refresh, if the previous option is enabled.
- Statistics refresh message display time: the time that the screen refresh warning message lasts.
- Create short description: Enables the creation of the short description. Its content will depend on the configurable template, in the Seo tab.
- Short description length: maximum length of the short description. If it is longer than the maximum length chosen, it will be cut.
- Update stock: synchronizes the stock of the products with that of the file in each update process.
- Deactivate discontinued products: this option will deactivate Globomatik products that are not in a file after processing, the discontinued ones. Products deactivated in this way will be reactivated if they come back in the file. It is advisable to always have this option active, because if a product is not in the file it is understood that it is not available in Globomatik and even if we sell it in our store we will not be able to serve the order.
- Set to stock 0 discontinued products: Similar to the previous option, this option will set to stock 0 the discontinued products.
- Update images: Checking this option will end the current process, to start a new one in which the images of the products will be deleted when they are updated, and the current image of the file will be put in the queue of pending images to be reimported. It is not an option to have checked by default, since the import of the images takes time and in the meantime the products will be without images. When the process initiated by checking this option is completed, it is automatically unchecked.
- Update name: when updating the products their name will be overwritten. The content with which it is overwritten will depend on the configurable template, in the Seo tab.
- Update descriptions: when updating the products, their description will be overwritten. Again, the content to be overwritten will depend on the configurable template, in the Seo tab.Update Seo: this option will update the meta description and meta title fields of the products when they are updated, following the template in the Seo tab.
- Update Seo: this option will update the meta description and meta title fields of the products when they are updated, following the template in the Seo tab.
- Do not disassociate from the home category when updating categories: if we use the option to reassign the products to their original categories (with the following option) the association to the home category will be respected. This is useful if we use the home category to display new products, for example.
- Update product categories: this option will cause the products to be associated to their current category in the file, eliminating the previous associations.
- Update product manufacturer: when products are updated, they will be associated to the manufacturer they currently have in the file.
- Update category groups: when processed, it reassigns the imported categories to the groups selected in Category management > Assignment to groups.
- Create category images: although Globomatik does not define images for categories, the importer gives the option to assign them an image taken at random from one of the products contained in it. If it is a parent category and does not contain products it will be searched in its subcategories.
- Send mails: Sends mails with the process results to the store mail.
- Index: indexes the products when they are updated. This process slows down the update of products, and it is usually more effective to use the conventional method of Prestashop for this task.
- Debug mode: stores data about the process results in database, which can be viewed in Advanced settings > Logs/Logs (menu names may vary slightly depending on the version of Prestashop).
- Disable overlapping control: the module has a control to prevent more than one process to be done at the same time. Without this control it could be the case that the same product or category is created twice, having it active ensures that a process is not started if there is already one in progress. It is recommended to always keep the control active (i.e. with the checkbox unchecked).
- Search existing products by: if before importing we already have Globomatik products in the store we can use this option so that the module identifies them by their reference and thus does not create them again.
Stock Management
In this section you can choose the status that the module will assign to the products according to their stock.
The first option, “Process products with conditional stock”, enables or disables completely the functions of this section.
In the text field, at the bottom, where it says “The stock equal or lower than this figure will be deactivated”, we choose the amount of stock limit on which the other options will be applied.
Checking “Set to stock 0” will set to 0 the stock of the products with stock equal to or less than the one we choose. The radio button option chosen will determine whether the products are also deactivated or whether they are only prevented from being purchased by unchecking the available for sale option.
Seo Tab
In this section the template that will be used to cover the product fields is configured. For this purpose, we have a series of wildcards, which will be replaced by the text of the file corresponding to each one when the product is created. For example, the text [Name] will be replaced by the product name in the file to define the product name in Prestashop.
You can combine the wildcards with each other or with the custom text you want, what will vary depending on the product will be the wildcards when replaced by their corresponding data.
This template will be used when creating a new product. If we change the template and we want the changes to be applied to the products, we must activate the corresponding update options, in Configuration > Update options. Thus, the “Update name” option will overwrite the name field of the products when they are updated following the configuration of this template, for example.
The “Create tags on products” option will create tags for the products, using the manufacturer of the products.
In this section we can see information about the import. To make a complete import a whole process must be done, which we can follow here, that is, there is a green symbol indicating that it has finished where it says “General status”, and also that the pending images are 0.
The importer always follows the same order: first the file is downloaded, then it is preprocessed and then the elements start to be created, starting with the categories, then the manufacturers and finally the products. The images are imported in a separate process, with its corresponding link that we have in Configuration > Token Management.
If we want to do a partial import from the Globomatik catalog we need to select the categories we want in the Categories Management > Importable Categories section. In that section no categories will be shown for selection until the file has been preloaded. To achieve this we have to process several times (depending on the batch size we have configured). Once we have the green status symbol completed in the Precategories phase, the first one, we can refresh the page and go to the importable categories section to select the ones we want.
Last products
In this section we can control the new products that are being imported, defining a date range.
In this section the license is entered, and it will be the only configurable section until a valid license has been entered. The license generation is explained in detail at the beginning of this manual. Keep in mind that if the domain name is changed, it will be necessary to regenerate the license in the same way it was generated the first time, but for the new domain.
Again, if you have problems configuring the importer you can ask us for help by opening a ticket at or writing an email to